Sound Marketing Advice- Be Careful Not To �We� All Over Yourself giuseppe zanotti

12-12-2013 10:39

Sound Marketing Advice: Be Careful Not To �We� All Over Yourself Building a small business from initial concept to successful money making machine is a daunting challenge. One of the most difficult tasks an entrepreneur faces is finding and keeping loyal customers giuseppe zanotti. Most of their time and money is spent on trying to convert the prospects who have the power to make or break the business. Without these prospects becoming valuable customers, it�s extremely difficult to keep the bills paid and the doors open. This relentless dilemma is compounded by the fact that most small business owners are sabotaging their own success by focusing their marketing in the wrong direction. Rather than directing their marketing to the needs of the prospect, they are �We-ing� all over themselves.In small business marketing, �We-ing� is best described as having too much of the marketing message focused on the features of the company and not enough on the prospect�s needs. �We-ing� is an unattractive and egocentric attitude that most owners don�t even realize they are suffering from. Take a look at the typical marketing campaigns you see each day. A majority of the messages you see focus on �We� the company. For example, �We have the lowest prices� or �We have the best service in town.� Both of these phrases make you want to yell, �Duh, I�ve never heard that before!� Besides lacking imagination, they are only fixed on the greatness of themselves and not the vital needs of the motivated prospect.The number one rule to remember about marketing success is it�s always about the prospect and not about you. As wonderful as you and your business may be the prospect could care less. They only want to know what you can do to solve their problem, improve their condition, or give them what they need. During the selection process, the prospect�s desire and energy are only centered on the need they are seeking to fulfill. When your marketing is only �We-ing� about how great you and your products are, you quickly lose their attention and the potential sale. They know what they are looking for and if you don�t immediately communicate how you will fill their need, they will look elsewhere in a hurry.To avoid �We-ing� and improve the examples used earlier, take out the �We�, insert �you� and then spin it around huanghaiyan211. It should read, �You will find the lowest prices� and �You will experience the best service in town.� As you can see, a small difference in perspective and attitude can be remarkable.In reality, the only time it is appropriate to have a �We� centered message is when you are expressing appreciation to the customer. The phrase, �We thank you for your business,� is one of the most powerful you can ever use to create a loyal customer. (Note the focus is still on the customer, not the business). The words and attitude that are used matter a great deal when you are carrying on a marketing conversation with the prospect. Always take a �You� focused approach and keep prospect�s needs in the forefront.

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